This quick and simple guide shows how to check the K-Series engine oil level.

Rover 25 MG ZR Dipstick
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Time to Complete - 5 minutes

Difficulty - 1/5

Tools and Parts Required

Before starting this procedure, make sure that the car is level, or as level as possible.

Step 1

You will first need to locate the dipstick, it is situated to the top left of the engine and if standard will be yellow and a hoop shape. As shown in the image below.

Rover 25 MG ZR Dipstick

Step 2

Remove the dipstick simply by pulling it out. Once out, use the cloth/kitchen roll to clean the end of the stick.

You will notice an area with an X pattern inside it, this denotes the area in which an acceptable oil level should reside. The minimum oil level is marked by the line towards the very tip of the dipstick, and the maximum is marked by the line towards the handle end. It should look something like the one shown below.

Rover 25 MG ZR Dipstick

Step 3

Place the dipstick completely back into the tube it came from, then pull it out again. Note the position of the oil on the dipstick. If it is below the previously mentioned minimum, then you will need to top the oil level up. If it is above the maximum you will need to drain some oil out.

In the event of the oil level being below the minimum or above the maximum, please see the guide entitled 'Engine Oil - Replacing'. If it is within the X marked field then this is a suitable oil level and no further action is required. In the image below you can see my oil level is within the X marked field.

Rover 25 MG ZR Dipstick